College of Law

Home WALLACE STEGNER CENTER EDR Prospectus: Facilitating Effective and Interactive Online Meetings Training


Participants will learn how to effectively use Zoom and other virtual meeting platforms for engaging online meetings, workshops, teaching, and other group work. The training will introduce participants to a range of tools and exercises for participant engagement that can be used via in-person or video conference meetings. Participants will also have a chance to explore strategies for addressing challenges they have experienced with online and in-person meetings.

This training will be conducted by Danya Rumore, Director of the Wallace Stegner Center Environmental Dispute Resolution Program at the University of Utah. Dr. Rumore has over a decade of experience as a facilitator and collaborative process designer.

This training will be conducted via Zoom. It will be highly interactive; participants should plan to join with stable internet, video, and a working microphone.

Training Details:

  • Time: 3 hours
  • Up to 24 people